Thursday, October 12, 2006

Some of the questions that I have been asked as of late, and a generally good place to keep track of the topics I would like to write about.

If you have a question, leave a comment, I'll consider it.

-No alcohol, ever? Never ever? How? WHAT! no coffee either, and you live in SEATTLE?
-What on earth would posses you to go live in the Jungle for two years?
-What's with the "I don't do that on Sunday" thing?
-Three hours? Seriously, three hours in one day, every week?
-Do you REALLY kill puppies in those temples of yours? (seriously, read this on the internet a few days ago. -- and NO -- what is wrong with people!)

OK, that's a good start for now.

What do YOU want to know?


Unknown said...

Jesse wants to know if you have a trampoline... seems like he's known a lot of mormons who do.

Just a random question.

k a t

manic hispanic said...

I heard mormons get a full body undergarment (we called them mormon undies in high school) after their mission. That one is suppsed to wear them at all times and if they show then the clothes you are wearing are not modest enough.
wouldn't they start to smell if you always wore them?
did you get a pair?
is this a load of horse hockey?

manic hispanic said...

question 2:
this one is more silly than anything else. i can barely keep from giggling as i type this.
anyway, i was told that mormon couples, prior to getting married, go through the act of sex with a sheet separating them. so, they know whether their marriage will be fulfilling or not.
is there truth?