Wednesday, December 20, 2006

There are only 10 of them for Heaven's Sake

You wouldn't think that it would be so hard to keep 10 little commandments, but evidently, for our society, it is very difficult.

Honestly, I don't really care if you are Mormon, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Agnostic, or other. If the world would just take these ten, think of them as rules for a better world, that is exactly what we would have, a better world. I'm not a religious scholar, but I'm pretty sure that every religion has something similar to the big 10.

Here they are- per the KJ Bible: Exodus 20

1 and 2. Thou shalt have no other god before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.

Well, we have really screwed this up. We worship our jobs, money, our cars, our things, ect, ect. Anything that we give so much of ourselves too that it detracts from the important things in life, (family, spiritual well being, physical well being,) those things have effectually become our gods. Will anyone argue with me that the world would be better off if we put more of a focus on family and health?

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

The name of God is no longer sacred among us. I couldn't count how many times a day I hear his name used as an expletive, or even just in excitement. It is so common that there is even an common Internet abbreviation: OMG! The thing I find ironic, is many of the people that use this expression, would not, if pressed, actually claim him as "their God."
The other way that God's name is taken in vain is when people out there claim to do something in God's name. Let me just tell you right now, NO! God does not need us, simple and weak humans, to accomplish his work, HE'S GOD! Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that God doesn't direct people on this earth. I truly believe that he does, but it is not done in a hair raising, media frenzied, debate ensuing, way. It is done in quiet, reverent and sacred ways. It is done in small, almost imperceptible ways that eventually change lives.

4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.

Do I even need to explain? Sunday is, for many people, the busiest day of the week. I believe that the loss of the Sabbath in our cultures is one of the main causes of the increased pressure and stress in our lives. I could not live without the Sabbath. My Sundays are often very full, they are filled with worship, service, and music. They are also the only day of the week I can nap without feeling guilty, I can spend a few quiet hours with my husband, I can have a break from the day to day chaos that is my life. People would probably be a lot nicer to one another if they had a day in the week to rest, to spend time with their families, to focus on personal reinvigorating.

5. Honor thy father and thy mother.

We are so busy that we can no longer take care of our elderly parents. They are shipped off to a retirement center, where we visit them once or twice a month, if we can get to them. We are also too busy to teach our children the meaning of the word honor. It's not just that they don't honor their parents, either. They don't honor anyone or anything, including themselves. They just don't know how, or understand why they should.

6. Thou shalt not kill.

Um, yeah. We kill each other. We shouldn't.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

I can't even think of this without pain in my heart. How many families would be saved? How many children would be happy and healthy? How many hearts would not be broken? When we commit to a person, we become responsible for that person as well. We are not permitted to be selfish. If there is a problem, it must be fixed, not run from. When it's said like that, isn't it so clear, because that is all adultery is, the selfish and cowardly running from one's problems.

8. Thou shalt not steal.

Recently someone told me that retailers report more losses from their employees than from their customers. I don't know if it is true or not, but just the fact that someone could make that statement and we could all conceive that it might be true; that is an awful thing. This is also about selfishness as well as laziness and a sense of entitlement, we all know it's wrong, but so many people do it anyway.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor.

We live in the most litigious country on the earth. People are not willing to take responsibility for their own problems and their own actions. It is easier to blame in on someone else.

10. Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet they neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's.

Ok, so I don't know anyone with a man or maid servant, or even an ox or an ass, but I do know a few people that live a life fraught with envy. Never being satisfied is a terrible way to choose to live your life, and yes, it is a choice. How much happier would we all be if we weren't always having to take care of all our "stuff" in addition to working more hours in order to get more "stuff." Maybe if we weren't so concerned with all that stuff, we would have more time to enjoy our families, and learn more about who we really are.

Now, this is, as I hope you all know, not a self righteous soap box. I have been guilty of not keeping several of these commandments. Even number six, my Buddhist friends have taught me a lot about number six. Yes, I have killed many an insect in my days.
I just want to try to make the world that I live in a better place. I am starting here, because it is such an easy and basic place to start. These are things that I know I can do, with a little self control and determination. And just think what the world would be like if everyone tried to do the same.


PJMcD said...

Well said Sister, As for commandment number 10, I had a neighbor who was an ass, but I never wanted any of his stuff, so Im good there.

manic hispanic said...

well gosh, i believe that if "thou shall not steal" was observed there would be no need to be a reservation system or ridiculous movies like Pocahontas.
that sounds alright by me.

the rabbi's wife said...

One quick note-Jews keep 613 commandments, not just the "big ten". Every time it says "do this" or "don't do this" in the Torah (first 5 books) they count it as a commandment.
Just FYI.